Holiday Potluck a Big Success!

Yvette and Steve Soto hosted our Neighborhood Watch Meeting and Holiday Potluck dinner last night. Francie Fitzimmons, our local Sheriff’s department Coordinator, and our local POP Officer Troy Mohler were guest speakers. There was a good turnout for the event and the food was terrific!
Donations of toys and gift cards were collected to benefit the Sherriff’s Holiday Toy Project that helps poor families with children in the area.

The talk began right at 6pm. Some of the topics discussed were the local Vacation Watch program, (where volunteers will watch the perimeter of your home while you are on vacation) and general holiday time safety. Shopping safety was discussed, as many robberies and identity theft occurs this time of year, especially ATM pin number theft. Be aware of who is around you whenever you use your ATM card or enter your pin number, like at store counters.
Officer Mohler talked about what to do about specific neighborhood nuisance problems such as loud noise or regular loud late parties. Report it! Problems that have multiple complaints from different people tend to get resolved quicker than those that are not reported as much.
We also talked about the need for better neighborhood night lighting. Francie suggested we take a look at the special SMUD showroom that features outdoor lighting options.

Everyone had a good time meeting and talking to all their neighbors, and we all left stuffed!
Thanks again to Yvette and Steve for sharing their beautiful home for the event.
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