Cat owners!

I am feeding the neighborhood birds in my backyard. Naturally, cats are coming to hunt. Please help me by either keeping your pets indoors, or putting bells on them. The cats are killing a lot of birds. I keep finding the remains scattered around my yard. I get very upset each time I find the remains. Please try to understand that the birds are an integral part of our environment. They deserve to survive. I think you would miss them if they all disappeared.
Thank you for your consideration,
Cecilia (Shery) Wright
Cecilia--I too feed birds and squirrels. I have no trouble with cats. The reason being--cats are territorial and my cat chases off any cat in the yard. Cats know NOT to come in. My cat doesn't bother birds or squirrels. She just lays in the yard and watches them. I wish you luck--I know people won't keep their cats in.
Shirley--4981 Holyoke
Thank you for your comment. And thank you for feeding the birds and squirrels! I knew I wasn't the only one!
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