Welcome Message

Welcome to our Neighborhood Blog!
I am starting this new blog with the hope that it will become a useful open forum for our neighborhood. We can use this blog to communicate neighborhood news, issues, concerns and events.
As an open forum, consider it yours! Feel free to contribute any topics you feel would be interesting. I will start the ball rolling by offering up a few articles to follow.
Our neighborhood, for the sake of our Neighborhood Watch Meetings consists of Damon Avenue, Creek View Way, Holyoke Way, Meckel Way, Tufts Street and the west side of Hemlock between Damon and Overbrook. We have an open invitation extended to the folks over on Overbrook Street also to join us at our Neighborhood Watch Meetings. (They had their own, well organized Watch group over there last year, but I think the organizer moved away recently so they are in transition at the moment.)
I have done a little blogging already, but like for most of us, it is still a pretty new thing to me, especially formatting pictures. So bear with me as we figure out how to use this new tool!
holyokeinfo: thanks for this great information! The website is full of good information and I will put the link up at the top of the blog.
Just found a local store where you can replace those globe porch lights, if you happen to break one: Light Bulbs Plus, 5910 Auburn Blvd., Suite 11, Citrus Heights, 332-3551. It's not a fancy store, but they do offer the SMUD discounted compact fluorescents too. I had a simple electric job done to add a cord switch to a swag lamp cord. They do lamp repairs too.
(from holyokeinfo)
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